Family Tree Maker News

Orange Sync Weather In FTM – (Updated – August 2024)

Orange sync weather issue in FTM 2019

Another huge addition to the release of 2019 is expanded syncing capabilities for users. Orange sync weather issue in ftm 2019 means there was some problem while the sync was on. Here are a few solutions that will help in understanding and trying to solve this problem.

Sync Weather Issue

The Orange Sync Weather visual indicator in the FTM 2019 sync panel signals possible sync concerns. The FTM weather icons reflect the condition of the sync services; the orange color means caution. The orange icon indicates that synching can still happen but possibly with a risk of data loss or conflict due to issues on the server, internet connectivity problems, or ongoing maintenance at Ancestry.

Address the orange sync weather issue and resolve it using the following steps:

  1. Check Your Internet Connection: The orange ‘Sync’ warning may appear due to an unstable Internet connection. Connect strongly and then connect stably before syncing.
  2. Wait It Out: Sometimes, is temporarily down for server maintenance or high usage. Try syncing again later, in a few hours.
  3. Review Recent Changes: Make sure your changes in the family tree do not conflict with data already added. Check that there are no duplicate entries or inconsistencies in entries so that the sync does not get problematic.
  4. Backup Your Tree: Back up your tree before you try to sync. It is secured for backup in case of any system failure when syncing.


The Orange Sync Warning in FTM 2019 is a warning of possible problems with sync, not an impossibility. Since one can ensure a stable internet connection, wait for the servers to get resolved, and back up their tree, managing the sync issue resolution can be safely done. Regularly updating software helps prevent issues with sync. If you need any help you can visit our website Family Tree Support or you can Live Chat with our Experts.


Question:- What does the orange sync weather in FTM 2019 mean?

Answer:- It reflects a caution status while syncing.

Question:- Does a tree with orange sync weather still sync?

Answer:- Yes, it can, but be a little careful for fear that you might lose data.

Question:- How do I fix this orange sync weather?

Answer: Check your internet connection and wait for the servers to update it.

Question:- Do I need to back up my tree before syncing?

Answer:- Always do this, as that will save one from data loss.

Question:- Why does orange sync weather show up in FTM?

Answer:- It usually appears because of server overload or connectivity issues.

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