Family Tree Maker News

How To Change A Relationship In Family Tree Maker?

Do you want to learn how to change a relationship in Family Tree Maker? If so then would surely be glad that you found this site as here you will be provided with the most appropriate steps. Will be done in a twinkle of an eye. Just read along to know the details.

Change A Relationship In Family Tree Maker

Now even though the default relationship status for couples in Family Tree Maker is ‘Spouse’ we completely know that this is not an accurate reflection of a couple’s relationship always. Therefore once the relationship is created you can choose to modify both the type and status of the relationship for couples. or you could type a preferred status for parent-child relationships.

Below we will discuss the following topics

  • How you can choose a Relationship Between Parents and a Child
  • How to Choose a Type of Relationship for a Couple
  • How to Choose a Status for a Couple’s Relationship

How You Can Choose A Relationship Between Parents And A Child?

  • You will need to first click on the ‘People’ workspace.
  • And then make sure that the individual (child) whose relationship you need to change is the focus of the pedigree view.
  • After that, you should click on the ‘Person’ tab; for Family Tree Maker 2014 version, the ‘Person’ tab is next to the ‘Tree’ tab.
  • Then you just need to click on the ‘Relationships’ button.
  • Next, you will need to click on the father or mother’s name.
  • Now in the ‘Editing panel’, you need to choose a relationship from the ‘Relationship’ drop-down list.
    relationships in family tree maker
  • Finally, if the child has more than one set of parents (biological and adopted for example). Then you can choose which parents will show in the pedigree/family view as well as charts and reports. Moreover, in the editing panel for the father or mother. Where you get to choose the relationship in the previous step. You will see a box labeled ‘Preferred Parents’. You then just need to click on the ‘Change’ button select the preferred parents from the given list then click on the OK button.

How To Choose A Type Of Relationship In FTM For A Couple?

  • First of all, you would need to click on the ‘People’ workspace.
  • You then need to make sure the couple whose relationship you want to change is the focus of the family group view.
  • And now you should click on the ‘Person’ tab – for Family Tree Maker 2014 the ‘Person Tab’ is right next to the ‘Tree tab’.
  • After that, you just need to click on the ‘Relationships’ button.
  • You now need to also on the spouse’s name.
    how to edit relationships in family tree maker
  • And then in the ‘Editing Panel’, you must choose a relationship from the ‘Relationship’ drop-down menu.
    how to edit relationships in family tree maker
Choose A Status For A Couple’s Relationship
  • You need to start by clicking on the ‘people’ workspace.
  • And then you will also need to ensure the couple whose relationship status you would like to change is kept as the focus of the family group view.
  • After doing so, you must click on the ‘Person Tab’ – for the FTM 2014 version the ‘Person Tab’ is right next to the ‘Tree Tab’.
  • And now you should click on the ‘Relationships’ button.
    how to edit relationships in family tree maker
  • You then need to click on the spouse’s name.
    Relationship In Family Tree Maker
  • At last, in the ‘Editing Panel’ you will need to choose a status from the ‘Status’ drop-down list.
    Relationship In Family Tree Maker

NOTE: You must know that this blog is an excerpt from ‘Companion Guide to Family Tree Maker’. Hence it is a complete guide for creating a family history that you as well as your family will treasure for years to come.

For Further Assistance

After you are done going through the steps above you should be able to change a relationship easily on Family Tree Maker. Nevertheless, if you encounter any sort of issues or you have other queries related. You can always feel free to get in touch with the team of dedicated experts right here. The techs will assist you in no time providing you with absolutely suitable solutions required. FTM Support +1-888-257-3335 or you can Live Chat.

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