Family Tree Maker News

How To Get The Family Tree Maker 2017 Upgrade Offer?

If you are looking forward to upgrading your Family Tree Maker 2017 to the latest upgrade, then you have surely made it to the perfect place. This post is created to give you the year’s greatest news ever with the biggest Offer to Upgrade Family Tree Maker that has taken place in 30 years. This is the most recent ‘Family Tree Maker update 2023’. So, if you already have FTM or you’re in search of Purchasing FTM 2019 then this site is just where you need to be right now.

But before we begin you must ensure to Upgrade FTM 2019 Software in order to enjoy the latest features and free additions provided. Let’s just quickly look at how amazing FTM 2019 upgrade offer is and why you should choose to upgrade it NOW.  

Offer to Upgrade Family Tree Maker 2019 Now And Save 70%

Who wouldn’t want to grab any discount offer if available right? Here we introduce you to the biggest sale offer Family Tree Maker 2019 has provided its users.  Do you know that if you upgrade your Family Tree Maker now you can save 70%? Yes, so without having any second thoughts you should immediately take up the offer and get the advantage of trying out TreeVault for free.

Have a look at the regular and special prices offered in FTM 2019:

 Regular PriceSpecial Price
FTM 2019 Upgrade$ 50$ 29.95
Next Edition is FREE*$ 50*FREE
TreeVault one year FREE*


$ 20

$ 120



$ 29.96

What Can You Get For Free In Offer to Upgrade FTM?

Well, if you upgrade your Family Tree Maker 2019 now then not only do you get to save 70% but also you have the offer to try TreeVault for free.

Along with that, you will also get a free download copy of any new edition published in the next 2 years. What is more the value is estimated regular upgrade price.


Why choose to use TreeVault and what you benefit by using it; do you know that with TreeVault, Family Tree Maker is now no longer an isolated desktop application? Instead, it is the hub of a growing ecosystem of mobile apps and cloud services as well. With this amazing addition, you can view changes in your Family Tree Maker tree in real time using your smartphone or tablet, and know what the weather was when the day your grandfather was born. Hence you get to sleep better when you know that an up-to-date copy of your tree is securely tucked away in the cloud which will someday be passed to the next generation.

Furthermore, the initial TreeVault service includes the following

  • Cloud backup of tree data
  • Emergency Tree restore service
  • The Family Tree Maker Connect mobile tree viewer
  • Next of Kin tree continuity
  • Historical Weather meteorological database

Upgrade FTM 2019 For Mac And Windows

Are you aware it has been 30 years since Family Tree Maker was born? It would only be fitting that we introduce a new edition which takes this grand old brand to places that its original creators may only have dreamed about. This is where every change that you make to your tree on your Mac or PC can be instantly and automatically viewed from any smartphone or tablet. Here you get to turn back time to erase mistakes that you made even a thousand changes ago. Where you also get to arrange for your tree to be passed on to a relative of your choice along with your Family Tree Maker license to make sure your legacy lives on. Moreover, before anything else make sure that you Upgrade FTM 2019 Software.

System Requirements

You would need to make sure that the following system requirements are met;

  • Windows 7 and later, including Windows 11
  • macOS 10.10 and later, including 14.0 Sonoma

For Further Help

So now without any delay, you should immediately take up the offer of ‘family tree maker 2019 sale.’ Besides, since you have gone through the above information we hope that you have all the related queries and concerns regarding the Offer to Upgrade Family Tree Maker answered here. Nevertheless, if you need any more details and assistance you can always get in touch with FTM Support number at +1-888-257-3335 or Live Chat. The team will be available at all times to guide you accordingly with the most suitable information.


Can I upgrade Family Tree Maker?

Yes, definitely you can upgrade your Family Tree Maker 2019. However, you must do it NOW so that you can take advantage of the FTM 2019 upgrade offer and save 70%. Moreover, you can even try out TreeVault for free, how amazing this offer is right you wouldn’t want to miss out on this great offer, right?

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